Sunday, October 20, 2024

There Are No Others

Much of the rhetoric of this election focuses on our differences. Lines are drawn between types of people. Between Americans and foreigners, legal and illegal immigrants, Republicans and Democrats, red and blue states, conservatives and liberals, pro-life and pro-choice, north and south, white and black, gay and straight, fascist and socialist, Christian and non-Christian, Jew and Muslim, and on and on and on and on. 

I understand why differences can seem like a big deal. But the differences seem inconsequential compared to what unites us. When I look at people who are “different” from me, I see variety but not separateness. There is a visceral feeling of unity. We are one human family. 

I like old photographs. Especially those from the early years of photography. I do not get onto Facebook much except to post links to this blog. When I do, I take some time to look at short motion pictures and still photographs of ordinary people in the 1890’s and 1900’s.  

I look at these pictures, and I see family. It does not matter if they are related to me or not; they are family. I look at their eyes staring into the camera lens, and I see myself staring back. I recognize myself in those eyes. It does not matter what race or gender the people are, or their nationality, ethnicity, economic class or religion. I see myself. 

I mean this quite literally. We share 99.9% of our DNA with every other human being. We are only one-tenth of one percent different. Physically we are nearly identical. Also we are one spiritually. We share one soul, if you want to call it that. Emerson called it the Over-Soul. Perhaps a better word is Spirit. I don’t know what to call our common nature, but I see it. 

For that reason I cannot see people as other than me. They are me. If we realize this deep truth, then our behavior reflects the truth. Jesus said, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.... Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”  

That is why Moses told the Israelites, “You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.JFK had it right. Ich bin ein Berliner. I am the foreigner. I am the immigrant.   

I am the extremist on the far end of the political spectrum. I am the enemy, which is why Jesus told is to love our enemies. I am the misogynist, the bigot and the racist. I am the transgender person. I am the queer person. I am the prisoner and the prison guard. I am the Gazan. I am the Israeli. I am the atheist and the Christian nationalist.  

Looking at it from another perspective, I am none of these. These are just labels that draw attention to differences that we have invented. They are not real. Instead of calling attention to the differences, let’s pay attention to our common identity. Our true identity is the oneness that we share 

That common identity fosters love instead of hate. It encourages generosity instead of greed. It produces kindness instead of meanness. It means that we care about the well-being of our neighbor as well as ourselves. Love your neighbor as yourself, Jesus said. That is because your neighbor is yourself.  

The Indian sage Ramana was once asked, “How should I treat others?” He responded, “There are no others.” We are the other. That goes for other creatures also. We are the other creatures with whom we share this planet. You can experience that for yourself simply by looking into the eyes of an animal. There are no others. There are only other forms of our greater Self. 


Monday, October 14, 2024

Everyone is Crazy ... Except Me

“Everyone’s crazy except thee and me, and I am not so sure about thee.” That is the punchline to an a homiletical anecdote that I have long ago forgotten.  It had something to do with a Quaker and his neighbor discussing doctrine. It was a funny story ... if only I could remember the setup.  

It describes exactly how I am feeling these days. It seems like the whole world has gone bonkers. Conspiracy theories are uncritically embraced. Bald-faced lies are unashamedly proclaimed as truth. After trying to make sense of the rhetoric in this presidential election, I have concluded that the only explanation is that Americans have lost their minds.  

We have fallen into a twenty-first century version of Orwell’s 1984, where Doublespeak is the official language. Politics has become unhinged from reality. It is Bizarro World where everything is backwards. People knowingly speak falsehoods and expect people to repeat the party line.  

It is unsettling. Can this really be happening? How can people deceive themselves so completely? As a culture we are now reaping the consequences of relativism and post-modernism. Truth is whatever you want it to be. This is producing societal chaos. I heard one local culture warrior say, “There is no such thing as truth. There are only ideas you agree with and ideas you disagree with.” Spoken like a true Oceanian. 

It is particularly unsettling to see the role that popular Christianity plays in believing and promulgating falsehood. If Christians can so thoroughly deceive themselves concerning political issues, then people wonder if they can be trusted in spiritual matters. As the apostle Paul wrote: “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you. 

It is all so exhausting. I feel like the prophet Elijah who exclaimed, “and I, even I only, am left.” My wife and I often joke that she and I are the only sane ones left. Only me and thee, and I am not so sure about thee. Of course, others think the same thing. They think everyone is crazy but them. I am sure many people think I have gone off the deep end 

I am presently reading a book entitled Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things by Dan Ariely. It explains how normal people can be caught up in a web (or a funnel, as he describes it) of conspiracy theories and other lies. Reading his real-life examples has revealed to me how we all believe irrational things. We are governed more by deep emotions than rational thought. 

Come to think of it, every religion is kind of crazy! The typical religion believes an assortment of unbelievable things.  As a Christian I have hitched my wagon to a wagon train of crazy people, most of whom believe things literally that any sane person can see are metaphorical. Like Alice in Wonderland Christians believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast.  

Christians look at other religions, as well as sects within our own religion, and think, “How can they believe such crazy things?” Yet people of other faiths and no religion are thinking the same thing about us! We all look crazy when viewed through the lens of another’s faith. None of us are exempt from this craziness, even those of us who pride ourselves on being rational.  

But there are degrees of crazy. There is harmless crazy, and then there is batshit crazy. Americans are entering into the political desert of batshit crazy. There is crazy that allows others to be who they want to be and do what they want to do. Then there is crazy that thinks it needs to impose its view of reality on others by governmental force. America is teetering on that type of crazy.  

The political craziness that is being proclaimed and believed these days threatens to undo America’s fundamental freedoms. If one does not agree with the reigning worldview, you are considered mentally ill, morally aberrant, socially dangerous, or religiously heretical. These “others” are viewed as dangerous to society. Dangerous enough to be outlawed, banned, arrested or deported. Normality, like history, is written by the winners.  

If what passes for normal today is true, then you can color me crazy. I am crazy enough to believe that there is such a thing as historical truth, scientific truth, and spiritual truth. Truth is not a matter of public opinion or political power. Truth is true regardless if anyone believes it.

In other words truth can be the minority position. It usually is. Jesus was executed by the political and religious majority. What is considered heresy by the majority religion may be true in reality.  

Furthermore I believe it is necessary to speak truth to power. It is never defensible to deny or obfuscate truth for political or religious gain. When liars win, we all lose. When Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” he was saying that these qualities were essential to who he was. To speak untruth by commission or omission is to deny Christ.  

Of course I might be crazy for thinking and saying such things. I may have it all upside down and backwards, deceiving myself and being deceived. If that were true, how would I know? Yet I am at peace in my craziness, resting in the One I know. As the apostle quoted to the Athenian philosophers, “In Him we live and move and have our being.”  

Furthermore I remember that when Jesus began preaching the Kingdom of God, his own family thought he was “out of this mind.” So I figure I am in good company. So Jesus, it is just me and thee. Of the two of us, I am not so sure about me ... but I am sure about thee.