Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is eternally present. It cannot be otherwise because God is eternal.

The Kingdom is everywhere. It cannot be otherwise because God is omnipresent.

It is a Kingdom. It cannot be otherwise because God is omnipotent.

The Kingdom is Love. It cannot be otherwise because God is omnibenevolent.

The Kingdom of God is uncreated. It cannot be otherwise because God is immortal. Yet all creation dwells within it.

Although everything is within the Kingdom, one enters the Kingdom. One enters it when one sees it. One sees it when one awakens to its presence. To enter it is to see that one has always been in it.  It cannot be otherwise since God is omnipresent.

The Kingdom is the consciousness of God. It cannot be otherwise because God is omniscient. Before we know the Kingdom, we know in part. In the Kingdom we know fully even as we are fully known.

It is the Kingdom of Heaven. It cannot be otherwise because God is Spirit.

The Kingdom of God is perfect. It cannot be otherwise because God is Holy.

The only way to enter the Kingdom of God is as a little child, who has not yet forgotten who he was before he was born.

The only way to enter the Kingdom is to be born of the Spirit. It cannot be otherwise because God is Spirit.

The only way to enter the Kingdom is to be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not marvel that you must be born again.

The Kingdom is. Peace to all who enter here.
Gustave Dore, Jesus Preaching on the Mount, c. 1865, oil on canvas, 130 x 196 cm.

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