I mentioned in my
first blog of Advent (“’Twas the Night Before Advent”) that the Advent season
is a time to ask the right questions rather than recite the right answers. One
of those questions is: “Who am I?”
It is the most fundamental spiritual question one can ask. It
is more basic than the God Question (“Does God exist?”) or the Christ Question
(“Is Jesus the Son of God?”) Before one can ask about God or Christ, one must
know who is asking the questions.
I have come back to this question again and again in my
spiritual life. Each time I ask the question, I peel off another layer of my
self. I ask the question, and I find that I am not my name, profession or
family identity. Those are incidental to who we are. I am not my gender,
racial, national, or ethnic identity.
By asking the question I am not sorting out personal psychological
issues. I am not having a midlife crisis. I have been asking this question all
my life. This question is spiritual, not psychological.
When we ask the question often enough, we realize that we
are not the psychological persona that we have created for ourselves during our
lifetimes. We are not our personal identity with its preferences, quirks and
tendencies. When one looks directly at the persona, it is seen to be a mirage.
We are more permanent than our human manifestation.
Christianity has historically referred to our core identity as the immortal
soul. The more accurate biblical term is spirit.
As I read what I have just written here, it is sounds too theological
and philosophical. Words are so cumbersome.
What I am talking about is not intellectual or theoretical; it is
experiential. We can know this directly.
Instead of me trying to describe this, it would be best if
you, the reader, just took a direct look at what I am talking about. Just ask
the question of yourself, “Who am I?”
As each answer is proved to be false, go deeper. Eventually
you will find. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will
find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” In questioning is the answer.
I like this, Marshall. A worthy challenge and pursuit, I think, figuring out, "Who am I?" Thanks, Jan