Friday, June 23, 2017

The Parable of the Lost Dog (Luke 15:1-7)

All sorts of people were coming to hear Jesus. They included child molesters and Ponzi schemers, alt-rights and communists, neo-cons and neo-libs, white supremacists and jihadists, atheists and Religious Righters, drug dealers and drug abusers, corrupt CEOs and WikiLeakers. 

Democratic and Republican leaders were concerned. They warned the public, “This guy associates with hate groups and extremists!”

So Jesus told them a story. “Which of you, if your dog got loose and ran away, would not go looking for him? Of course you would! Even if you had a houseful of other animals, you would leave them and search the neighborhood and nearby woods tirelessly. You would put up posters and post photos on social media. When you found him, you would hug him tightly and carry him home. You would post on Facebook, “He was lost for 24 hours, but I finally found him!” and your friends would rejoice with you. They would “like” the post and leave congratulatory comments crowded with emoticons. But I tell you, there is more joy in heaven when one person returns to God than over all the ‘good’ people who never go astray.”   

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this story and the picture, thank you


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