Saturday, November 23, 2019

2019 Choice Resource Award

I am pleased to announce that my book “The Practice of the Presence of God in Modern English” has been chosen by Next Level Worship International for its 2019 Choice Resource Award.

Founded in 2006 by Dwayne Moore, NLW International serves worship leaders and churches around the world. It provides resources to church leaders in over 80 countries. They are a non-profit, charitable organization providing resources, training and missions opportunities. Their goal is to help people experience transformative biblical worship. Their vision is to help Christians around the world grow deep in their love for God and others.

Choice Resources are selected resources which enhance corporate and/or personal worship. NLW selects resources each year to award and feature on their site. The three criteria for the awards are (1) Worship theology: Choice Resources instruct and/or encourage worship from the inside out (because we believe worship is inward, upward and outward). (2) Excellence: Choice Resources are exceptional in their quality and content. (3) Value: Choice Resources bring much educational, inspirational and/or leadership help to an individual or team, and have benefits which clearly outweigh the cost.

At the link below you can find a review of my book on the NLW website as well as a link to a half-hour video interview that I did with Dwayne Moore.

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