Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Thank God It Couldn’t Happen Here

They entered the capital, waving flags and banners. The government defenders were overwhelmed. Members of the legislative and executive branch of government had to flee for their lives. The insurrectionists entered the governing chambers, offering prayers of thanks to God for the victory.

They are adamantly opposed to separating religion from government (what Americans call “the separation of church and state.”) They want a country founded on theistic principles and godly values. They want prayer and scripture reading back in schools. They want creationism taught in school. Upon taking control they raided the offices of journalists, saying that the media are biased and have been publishing lies about them for years.

They say they will outlaw abortion, homosexuality and any accommodation to transgender people. They insist that they will respect the rights of women, but only insofar as permitted by scripture. That means, of course, that only men can be religious leaders. Yes, what is happening in Afghanistan is terrible. I am so glad it could never happen here in the USA. 

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