Monday, December 30, 2024

Word of the Year

Merriam-Webster has chosen its Word of the Year. The famous American dictionary publisher announced that the word for 2024 is “polarization.The word is defined as “division into two sharply distinct opposites; especially, a state in which the opinions, beliefs, or interests of a group or society no longer range along a continuum but become concentrated at opposing extremes.   Sounds about right ... and left.  

I resonate more with the word that came in second place, which is the word totality.” It was used this year in regard to eclipses, meaning: “the phase of an eclipse during which it is total.” But its first two meanings are:an aggregate amount: sum, whole; the quality or state of being total: wholeness.” That sounds righter to me. Or is that “more right”? I better consult the dictionary 

American society – and indeed the world - is polarized into right and left, threatening the future of our nation and our world. I have never liked the labels right and left. I have usually called myself moderate. But moderate” is a rapidly disappearing no-man’s-land between two opposing forces. 

So I no longer call myself a moderate. I am off the spectrum. Most people identify with a side, but I find my identity in the totality. Merriam-Webster illustrated their word of the year with the image of red and blue mobs of people opposing each other. I see the world in terms of the Yin-Yang symbol, where the two sides are parts of a larger whole.  Perhaps a blue and red yin-yang symbol would be most appropriate for our time 

In any case, I see the world as more than a battle between opposing forces. I see polar opposites as part of a divine harmony, like the two magnetic poles of our planet. It is more like a dance than a battle. Of course, when you are in the midst of the swirl of red and blue, it can feel like a hurricane or a tornado.  

The political storms of our national climate are similar to the meteorological storms of our planet. They can do more damage than any hurricane or tornado. Wars – whether cultural, religious, political or military - are human manifestations of the same duality that makes up this universe.  Right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust are like the magnetic forces of positive and negative.  

One can view these as diametrically opposed forces, as most people do, or we can view them as complementary, as partners in the ecosystem of the universe. That does not lessen their danger. Natural forces can destroy life on this planet, like the periodic extinctions that have destroyed most life on our planet. Political and military conflicts have the potential to do the same sort of damage with nuclear weapons or climate change. 

Therefore polarization is a serious threat when viewed from the human level. Yet from a cosmic and divine perspective, this is just the way it is. It is Reality. We play our parts in this earthly drama as individuals and a species, but in the end (and now!) we are expressions of the totality. Merriam-Webster did not ask my opinion, but I vote for the runner-up for the Word of the Year.  

1 comment:

  1. yes, but on the human dualistic level that apparently is not ultimately real it is still so difficult and agonizing to watch Putin kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people for no justification - can we say 'immoral'? - and the idea that Putin and I are in reality, in our Essence, are the same and we are actually GOD if you drill down below our 'personalities' continues to be confusing to me.


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