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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What I did on my Summer Vacation

What did I do this summer? Write, write, write, write, and write. I did some other things too. We had quite a few summer visitors in our home, including our daughter and her family, and all of Jude’s siblings and their spouses. Whew! We enjoyed the lakes, mountains, and ocean. We went swimming often, saw some summer theatre, and I did some summer preaching. The typical things. It was a good summer.

In the midst of it all I worked on a book. My habit is to write nearly every day for a few hours each day. I always wake up early and write at least three hours a day. Some days many more than that. I don’t think there was a single day between Memorial Day and Labor Day that I did not write.

I love writing. I would write even if no one read what I wrote. (I suspect that is actually the case with some of my books.) My newest book is the most personal one I have written so far I get to share the joys and difficulties of being a pastor. The book is entitled, What Your Pastor Won’t Tell You (But I Can Because I am Retired). The title is meant to be humorous, but much of the material in it is very serious.

I did research for this book for months before I started writing. I also got to walk down memory lane, revisiting the painful moments of ministry as well as the wonderful times. In this book I deal with a wide range of practical, spiritual, ethical, biblical, and theological issues. I share personal experiences and moral convictions on a wide range of subjects.

If you are interested, you can get the Kindle version free for the next three days. (September 19, 20, 21) If you want the paperback, you will have to pay for it. Here’s the link to both. I just ask one thing. If you read it, please leave a brief (one or two sentence) review of the book on Amazon. In the meantime I will keep writing. I already have an idea for my next one. Time to start the research!

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