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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Lesson of the Right Ear

The assassination attempt against former President Trump should be a wakeup call to all of us. I am not optimistic that it will be. I am not at all sure it will change the way that our country is increasingly resorting to violent acts and inflammatory rhetoric to solve the perceived problems of our nation and society.  

It was no accident that the would-be assassin got dressed that morning in a tee shirt advertising a YouTube channel that promotes guns. He was making a statement. But I doubt that this fact will convert anyone to the need for guns to be “well-regulated” as the second amendment says.  

When I pondered the video of the attack, I thought of another attack two thousand years ago that also resulted in a wounded right ear. The injured man’s name was Malchus. Malchus was the servant of the high priest Caiaphas. All four gospels record the event, which is a rare occurrence in the New Testament. It must have had special importance for early Christian communities. 

The gospels tell us that Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane with this disciples. Soldiers sent by the high priest came by night to arrest him. As they laid hands on Jesus, one of the disciples acted to prevent his capture. The apostle Peter responded to the attack on his master by drawing a sword and striking Malchus, who is identified as a servant of the high priest. Malchus was wounded in the right ear.  

Jesus’ response to this act of violence by one of his followers was swift and clear. He said to his disciple, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” In telling the story, the physician Luke adds the detail that Jesus then “touched his ear and healed him.”  

We do not know much more about Malchus. We know that his name means “my king,” which is ripe with symbolism. Beyond that is just speculation. In Mel Gibson’s 2004 film The Passion of the Christ, Malchus is pictured as an armed member of the temple guard. That certainly is a possibility.  

The apocryphal Gospel According to the Hebrews says that the risen Christ appeared to Malchus and presented him with the linen cloth that was in the empty tomb. There is no way of knowing if either of those details are true. 

I am more interested in the symbolism of the story of the wounded ear as it relates to the attack on the forty-fifth president. It may be coincidental that both were injured on the right ear. It may be coincidence that Machus means “my king,” and Trump sees the presidency in term of kingly power and immunity. Furthermore his followers seem to treat him like royalty. This may all be coincidence, but it is also an opportunity - an opportunity for spiritual reflection.  

Jesus spoke words of nonviolence into a scene of violence. He told Peter to put down his sword, and then spoke this timeless truth: “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.” In terms of modern weapons it would be phrased today as “Those who live by firearms will die by firearms” or “Live by the gun, die by the gun.” That was certainly the fate of the man who shot president Trump. His reward was meted out swiftly by the Secret Service.  

Jesus’ message of nonviolence was met by violence. It was met by institutional violence carried out by the state with the backing of the religious establishment. It found its expression in a rigged trial and a political execution carried out by the government and religious authorities.  

Jesus taught people to love their neighbor and their enemy. To love those who hate you,  bad-talk you, and persecute you. This is not a message we hear much from either the pulpit or the political podium. Instead we are told to “Fight, fight, fight.”  

Jesus’ message was to “Love, love, love.” Love God. Love your neighbor. Love your enemies. The teachings of Christ live on in the lives of those who follow the teachings of Christ. Not all who profess Christ follow the teachings of Christ.  Hypocrisy is rampant among those who bear of the name of Christian.  

We have no idea what happened to Malchus. But the fact that his name was remembered and recorded in the New Testament leads me to think that Malchus was known by name in the early Christian community. That likely means that he became a follower of the one that he tried to arrest that night. He came to follow Christ as "my king.”  So there is hope for all who follow the violent way of Malchus ... and Peter.  


Michel Bachand said...

(English will follows)
Wow je lis toutes vos réflexions spirituelles aves beaucoup d'intérêt; mais celle-ci me laisse sans voix!! Quelle perspicacité dans vos propos et quelle trouvaille cette histoire de l'oreille droite de Malchus en relation avec Donald Trump, wow! Et j'adore le punch final de votre réflexion: "... and Peter", haha!! Eh oui, nous sommes tous concernés! Merci pour cette réflexion vraiment à propos.
Et merci aussi de mettre la transcription de toutes vos vidéos sur votre blogue "The Tao of Christ". C'est très utile pour moi car l’anglais n’est pas ma langue maternelle. Cela me permet d'avoir la traduction exacte si je ne saisis pas complètement le propos en anglais sur la vidéo. De plus, cela donne certaine précision lorsqu'il s'agit de noms propres ou de mots d'une autre langue (hébreux, sanscrit, etc.). Alors, merci encore! Vous faites un travail extraordinaire! C'est très, très apprécié!!

Wow I read all your spiritual reflections with great interest; but this one leaves me speechless!! What insight in your words and what a discovery this story of the right ear of Malchus in relation to Donald Trump, wow! And I love the final punch of your reflection: "...and Peter", haha!! Yes, we are all in this together! Thank you for this truly relevant reflection.
And thank you also for putting the transcription of all your videos on your blog “The Tao of Christ”. This is very useful for me because English is not my native language. This allows me to have the exact translation if I don't completely understand the English words on the video. In addition, it gives certain precision when dealing with proper nouns or words from another language (Hebrew, Sanskrit, etc.). So, thanks again! You are doing an extraordinary job! It is very, very appreciated!!

ernest boyer said...

As always, you say so well what I most deeply believe, invariably adding fresh insights. The connection between Malchus and Trump is a revelation. I find some badly needed hope there. Your reflections are such a gift! I pray they find the widest possible audience.

Heartfelt said...

Former President Trump was shot at 6:11 on Saturday evening. Ephesians 6:11 provides the following instruction to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His endless might: "Put on the full armor of God so that you may be able to successfully stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil." This gives the former President's words, "fight! fight! fight,! a view through a different lens.