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Monday, April 29, 2019

Adventures in Podcasting

I am a preacher as well as a writer. These days I do not preach or teach as much as I used to when I was in fulltime ministry. That is fine with me. I have been retired for almost three years now, and I am content with my relaxed schedule. I preach enough. I preached three times during Lent. I also taught a weekly Lenten study on my book “Experiencing God Directly” at the church we now attend.

So I am not complaining. If I wanted to preach more I could sign up with my denomination’s region to be a supply preacher or an interim pastor. If I wanted to teach more I could volunteer to teach with our region’s Certified Lay Ministry program to teach courses. I have thought about doing both of these, but have not yet felt the call to do so.

Instead I have used my time writing books, writing this blog, writing articles in the local newspaper, and occasionally preaching and teaching. My books are doing well. Better than I expected. Each month I sell more books than the month before. But I want to reach a wider audience.

So I decided to start a podcast. I have listened to podcasts for years, but never considered doing one until now. This podcast would not be an interview show with guests. It would be another venue for me to communicate the ideas in my books in audio format that would be free to listeners.

In other words it would be like preaching, teaching and writing rolled into one. So I am giving it a try. I am calling it “The Tao of Christ” which is also the title of one of my books. And I will read that book for the first three or four episodes.

I will embed the first episode here.

I have also uploaded a second episode. You can find them both with this link:

Also, here is the RSS feed (whatever that is)

As you can tell, I am still learning the lingo, as well as the craft of recording, editing, and adding music. This project is still in the early stages. After I have three episodes I can send it to Apple itunes and then other podcast directories, so people can find it. That will take a little time. Hope you enjoy it.

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