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Joseph with Infant Jesus, Guido Reni, 1635
But I kept thinking about my choice after the clergy games
had moved on to the Yankee Swap and Guess That Christmas Movie. (Which I won
for our team, by the way. I guessed Home
Alone 2 on the first clue in the tie-breaking round. Not that I am
bragging.… Well, maybe I am.)
Anyway, now I think that I would chose a different symbol of
Christmas: a child. Not only does a child point to the infant Christ and
thereby capture the religious meaning of the holiday, it also speaks to those
who do not necessarily identify as Christians. The holidays are all about
children. The smaller the child, the more magical Christmas can be for them.
Christmas is all about children. Their innocent faith as
they sit on Santa’s lap and share their wishes. Their anticipation of the big
day and their joy on Christmas morning. Opening the stockings. There is
something about children that captures the spirit of Christmas.
This is particularly true of the youngest of children. Those too young to know what is happening
symbolize the holiday for me. Especially the infant chosen to play the role of
the Christ child in Christmas pageants and Live Nativities. For a few minutes
they become the Christ.
Every infant is the Promised One to their parents. I
remember reading that in first century Palestine the expectation of a coming
Messiah was so high that every Jewish parent truly thought that their baby
might be the one to redeem Israel. “Could this be the Messiah,” visitors to every
newborn’s bedside would wonder.
Every child represents the Christ child in a deep archetypal
way. An infant is a new beginning for our families and the human race, full of
possibilities. She is a potential messiah, who might save the world from its
many problems. He might be the one to discover the cure for cancer. She might
be the leader to bring lasting peace to the earth.
Children evoke the child in me. They are mediators of the
divine, sacraments in human form. I think Jesus felt the same way. He said, “Let
the little children come to me and forbid them not, of such are the kingdom of
God.” He insisted that we have to become like little children to enter the
Kingdom of God.
That is why the prophet said that the child was to be named
Immanuel, which means “God with us.” For this reason I amend my vote. My choice
for the symbol of Christmas is a child. “For unto us a child is born, and his
name shall be called Wonderful….”
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